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The configuration file is a JSON file. It is located at your user's home directory and called .squidrc.json.

Customizing it#

You can easily customize the appearence and features of Squid with its configuration. When saving the configuration file, you won't need to restart the app. Most the settings applies immediately after saving the file.


You will get a notification after saving the configuration file, letting you know if there are any errors.

Most of the settings are self-explanatory, but here are an overview of them:

  • theme The default theme settings. You can spectify the color in HEX (#F0F0F0), RGB (rgb(0, 0, 45)) or RGBA (rgba(9, 11, 16, 0.9)).
  • defaultShell The default shell to open
  • shells The list of shells available in the quick menu
  • webGlRendering Faster rendering method
  • tabsIcons If you want to have icons to the left of the tabs
  • css Aditionnal CSS to add to the window
  • cursor The style can be block, bar or underline
  • backgroundImage You can use a background image from your computer, or from any url
  • shortcuts The shortcuts keybinds
  • localSSHHosts The local SSH Hosts you want to use. Theses are not saved to the cloud, only on your computer
  • cloudUrl The url of the cloud server where to save SSH Hosts

Default configuration#

Below is the default configuration:

"theme": {
"background": "rgba(9, 11, 16, 0.9)",
"border": "#37474F",
"text": "#6b6b6b",
"textHover": "#d0d0d0",
"foreground": "#ECEFF1",
"cursor": "#82AAFF",
"cursorAccent": "#000000",
"selection": "#82AAFF",
"black": "#000000",
"red": "#E54B4B",
"green": "#9ECE58",
"yellow": "#FAED70",
"blue": "#396FE2",
"magenta": "#BB80B3",
"cyan": "#2DDAFD",
"white": "#d0d0d0",
"brightBlack": "#6b6b6b",
"brightRed": "#FF5370",
"brightGreen": "#C3E88D",
"brightYellow": "#FFCB6B",
"brightBlue": "#82AAFF",
"brightMagenta": "#C792EA",
"brightCyan": "#89DDFF",
"brightWhite": "#ffffff"
"defaultShell": {
"name": "Default",
"path": "/bin/zsh"
"shells": [
"name": "ZSH",
"path": "/bin/zsh"
"name": "Bash",
"path": "/bin/bash"
"webGlRendering": true,
"copyOnSelected": true,
"restoreWindowPosition": true,
"tabsIcons": true,
"altClickMoveCursor": true,
"vibrancy": true,
"css": "",
"bell": {
"enabled": false,
"sound": ""
"cursor": {
"style": "block",
"blink": true,
"width": 1
"font": {
"size": 14,
"family": "monospace",
"weight": "normal",
"weightBold": "bold",
"letterSpacing": 0,
"lineHeight": 1
"scroll": {
"sensitivity": 1,
"fastScrollSensitivity": 5,
"fastScrollModifier": "shift"
"backgroundImage": {
"enabled": false,
"opacity": 0.5,
"image": ""
"shortcuts": [
"keybinds": "Cmd+Shift+T",
"action": "terminal:create"
"keybinds": "Cmd+Shift+W",
"action": "terminal:close"
"keybinds": "Cmd+Shift+O",
"action": "terminal:zoomin"
"keybinds": "Cmd+Shift+P",
"action": "terminal:zoomout"
"keybinds": "Cmd+Shift+L",
"action": "terminal:left"
"keybinds": "Cmd+Shift+M",
"action": "terminal:right"
"localSSHHosts": [
"name": "Default host",
"host": "hostname",
"port": 22,
"username": "root",
"password": "removeIfNotNeeded",
"privateKey": "removeIfNotNeeded"
"cloudUrl": ""